Will letters of recommendation for seeking a job count towards reference letters?
If the letters attest to the candidate's emergency management experience and are from a public officials they meet the requirement.
How do I submit my packet?
Candidates should send their completed packet along with the fee payment or proof of payment if paid online to the address identified in the
Program Overview document. KEMA accepts no responsibility or liability until the CKEM Application package is delivered. Candidates are encouraged to use a shipper that provides a tracking service to verify the location of the package and delivery.
Can my packet be returned to me after the CKEM committee has reviewed?
The Certification Committee Chair will return the candidate's submission providing the candidate has submitted a pre-paid return label and request for the package to be returned. The package may also be returned in person following the annual awards banquet.
What is required for documentation for previous employment in emergency management?
The ideal documentation would be a letter from a supervisor. A state employee could use a P-1 or an evaluation form. Documents from the Kentucky Retirement System indicating your months of service could suffice. A plaque from your previous employer with your service time is listed. The key is to get third party verification that clearly identifies the time claimed from previous employment.
How do I document significant role in an exercise?
The ideal documentation would be a letter from a supervisor. A state employee could use a P-1 or an evaluation form. Documents from the Kentucky Retirement System indicating your months of service could suffice. A plaque from your previous employer with your service time is listed. The key is to get third party verification that clearly identifies the time claimed from previous employment.
How many exercises do I have to document?
You must document your role in at least one exercise to meet the Initial Certification or Recertification requirement. You may document your significant role in additional exercises for points, 20 points per exercise for a maximum of 50 points (1 ex. = 20 points; 2 ex. = 40 points; 3 ex. = 50 points).
What is required for the FEMA Professional Development Series (PDS)?
More information can be found about the PDS Certificate on the FEMA website.
- IS-120.a - Introduction to Exercises
- IS-230.d - Fundamentals of Emergency Management
- IS-235.b - Emergency Planning
- IS-240.a - Leadership and Influence
- IS-242.b - Effective Communications
- IS-244.b - Developing and Managing Resources
Points may be counted for FEMA Independent Study (IS) courses at a rate of 2 points per IS course however you cannot double count courses used to obtain the PDS Certificate.
What FEMA G courses are required for the CKEM?
The CKEM does not require the FEMA G courses specifically, but to get the CKEM one must have the FEMA Advanced Professional Series (APS) Certificate. More information regarding the APS is available on the FEMA website but we also list the required and elective courses for convenience below.
- Required
- G775 - EOC Management and Operations, or IS775 EOC Management and Operations
- G191 - Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface, or E947 EOC/IMT Interface, or E/L449 ICS Train the Trainer
- G557 (G250.7) - Rapid Assessment Workshop
- G270.4 - Recovery from Disaster, the Local Government Role, or E210 Recovery from Disaster, the Local Government Role
- G393 or G318 - Mitigation for Emergency Managers or Local Mitigation Planning
- Elective
- G288 - Local Volunteer and Donations Management
- G364 - Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools, or L363 Multi-Hazard Planning for Higher Education
- G202 - Debris Management, or E202 Debris Management Planning for State, Local and Tribal Officials
- G386 - Mass Fatalities
- G361 - Flood Fight Operations
- G110 - Emergency Management Operations Course for Local Governments, or one of the following IEMC courses E900, E905, E910, E915, E920, E930, E945, and E947
- G108 - Community Mass Care and Emergency Assistance
- G358 - Evacuation and Re-entry Planning
- G290 - Basic Public Information Officers, or E388 Advanced Public Information Officer
- G271 - Hazardous Weather and Flood Preparedness, or IS271 - Anticipating Hazardous Weather and Community Risk
- G272 - Warning Coordination
- E/L/G146 - Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
- G366 - Planning for the Needs of Children in Disaster
- G235 - Emergency Planning
Points may be counted for FEMA/EMI/DHS/Consortium courses, 1 point per hour as listed on the certificated but cannot be counted in the APS Certificate.
How do I document workshop or conference attendance?
A candidate meets this requirement by participation in 12 hours of conference per year and at least 4 years. You can attend multiple workshops/conferences to achieve 12 hours per year. Examples might be: NWS workshop (4-6 hours) at the beginning of severe weather season; a workshop at an Area Development District on Hazard Mitigation Planning; etc... You do not have to attend a single workshop that is 12 hours in length. The key here is to provide documentation that you have attended at least a minimum of 12 hours per year for each of four years.